Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mediums & Rosacrucians

Last night my Psychology of Grief teacher mentioned an experience she had with a psychic medium. Just because I was curious, I asked her to explain her experience a little bit. I was floored by what she said she experienced. I've always been apprehensive, fearful, and doubtful of psychic mediums. 

Medium - experiences contact with the spirits of the dead, angels, demons or other immaterial entities; role is to facilitate communication with spirits who have messages to share with non-mediums; claim to be able to listen to, relay messages from, and relate conversations with spirit, to go into a trance

My teacher's experience sounded too believable, which scared me even more. She said that when the medium started talking to her dead father the medium said things only her father would, in the same mannerisms, saying things impossible for the medium to know or gather from any research of her client. As much as I don't want to believe in mediums, my teacher's experience justified that perhaps they are not crazy. I've always thought about what it would be like to talk to my dad right now, five years later. My teacher said it was extremely emotional. 

Not to sound blasphemous but something about mediums reminds me of a few stories in the Bible. The fact that there are prophecies in the Bible that came true. A prophecy is when someone proclaims an event and then later, sometimes a LOT later, the event happens. How does that not relate to mediumism and fortune telling? Just because those biblical people were alive thousands of years ago doesn't mean they might not still exist today? It's said that psychic ability runs in the family. Perhaps someone should do a genealogy of a psychic and see if they have roots with some of the prophecy makers of biblical times. Sound crazy? YES! But the world is full of crazy things that we don't know about yet. Look at modern medicine! It has evolved tremendously in the past decades. And electronics! Who would have thought we'd have the TVs or 800 channels or even Internet! If we were to go back even 50 years ago and tell those people about the technology of today they would think we were crazy. So why do we think something like psychic ability would be crazy? 

I know psychic ability is not tangible, we can only trust the medium is being real to us. We didn't have to believe the prophecies in the Bible, but they came true. Sounds like a psychic to me. If I could gather the courage to see a medium and she said things to me that only my dad would know to say to me, maybe I would believe. My teacher has gone back to her medium 20 some odd times. Her experience was definitely a success. Even though psychic ability is bashed by Christian religions, it is still ever-present in the Bible? And one of the Christian beliefs is the separation of body and soul. Our bodies die and are buried, but our souls go somewhere. Heaven? Limbo? As our soul thrives in our body during our life, we prepare our soul for life after death. 

I don't think we were put on this Earth without an after-purpose. Why would we do the things we do daily if we're all just gonna die and it will mean nothing. That doesn't sound fair or right. There has to be something afterward, or life in every way would be meaningless. We feed our soul with righteousness during our life on Earth to prepare for life after death. So our souls go somewhere right? Who's to say they can't communicate to us through channels (mediums, psychics)? They can't communicate to us all because we don't have those states of consciousness that mediums do. The brain (mind) is something the smartest of scientists have not been able to fully explain. Some say the average person only uses 10 percent of their mind's capacity. Well, holy shit what about the other 90 percent. Could it be possible that mediums use a different part of their mind then the average person? Yes or no, there is no correct answer to that, because we don't know. 

This brings me to Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucian Order is a group of intellectual people seeking knowledge. 'It is knowledge. Not knowledge in the act of acquiring information (although you will), but knowledge in the sense of knowing. Through our teachings you will gain specific knowledge of metaphysics, mysticism, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology and science not taught by conventional education systems or traditional religions.' -AMORC. They say they are the source for uncovering wisdom, carefully preserved by mystery schools for centuries, transmitted today through the Order to any sincere person who is open minded and has positive motive (AMORC). Basically this to me sounds like utilizing a section of the brain (mind) not used by the average person. Remember, we don't use our mind at it's full potential, so who's to say what's beyond our knowledge so far? We already know more today then we did 50 years ago, we are using more of our brains. But what about really smart people? They are different then average. For example, the American Mensa Association, a high IQ society for those who score in the 98th percentile or higher on a standardized, supervised IQ, or other approved intelligence test. Those intelligent people are obviously using more of their brains then "average" people. 

Well, my dad belonged to the Rosicrucian Order AND the American Mensa Association. Shocking? How my dad had an extremely high IQ AND was part of a society dedicated to providing heightened knowledge through practice of using the mind in ways average people do not. Do you think my dad was crazy or just smart? Do you think mediums and psychics are crazy or just smart and using more of their brains? It's up to the individual to decide but I'm starting to believe this could all be true. 

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